Saturday, August 22, 2009

D is For.

D is for Dachshunds.
I recently had a one.
He past away this June.
He was the sweetest dog imaginable.


xoxo, Stephanie.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

C is For.

I've started this blog not even knowing what it's going to be about.
Let's go to handy dandy Google!
Wait! I've thought of something!
Ahhh, Canada.
My favorite place to visit,
I hope to move there someday :]
It was the first out of country trip I'd been on.
Well, I have schoolwork.

Follow me?

xoxo, Stephanie.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

B is For.

I had horrible time thinking of something for B!
I guess this follows the whole "apple" idea.
Again, I choose Ballet because it was a part of my early childhood.
I havn't been in Ballet for for probably 10 years,
But it's one of those things that I still faintly remember.
I guess that's all I really have to say on the topic.
If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to update :]

Until next time,
xoxo, Stephanie.

A is For.

I know your questioning my lack of creativity.
The reason I choose apples-
Remember learning the alphabet?
What was usually used to symbolize the letter A?
That's right. Apples.
To me this means childhood.
Think about it :]
That's all.

xoxo, Stephanie.


My name is Stephanie.
I love purple.
I can be shy.

Well, that's that.
I've decided I'll do a blog for every letter of the alphabet.
Blogging is a cure for boredom in itself,
So I'll be doing a few each day.
Any other ideas?

xoxo, Stephanie.